Sunday, 6 December 2015

06 Dec 2015

10 Ways to Keep that Body in Shape

Most of us would want to loose some of those extra calories, but are probably too busy to do so. Here are 10 simple ways you can keep that body in shape.
1. STAY HYDRATED: Drink a lot of water instead of soda or juice, it helps in flushing the system and also speeds up digestion.
2. EAT FRUITS & VEGETABLES: Im pretty sure you have heard this a lot of times. Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases as well as provide essential vitamins, minerals and fibre you need for good health.
3. DRINK MILK: Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin D required for building your bones, teeth and muscles are contained in milk. Try getting any milk that has low fat, because it breaks down easily.
4. GET MORE VITAMIN D: Asides the early morning sun, you can also get it from beef, liver, cheese, egg yolk and certain types of mushroom. Vitamin D is required to prevent and treat rickets.
5. EAT IRON ENRICHED FOODS: Green plantain is said to be one of the highest sources of iron, anytime you feel like eating plantain, make sure its the green type.
6. FIBER FOODS: The secret so many people dont know is that any food rich in fiber doesnt store in the body, it breaks down easily, that way you wont have anything stored anywhere that could lead to excess calories.
7. DRINK COFFEE OR TEA: The Catechins (antioxidants) in green tea extract increases the bodys ability to burn fat as fuel.
8. EAT BREAKFAST: This is the most important meal of the day, this meal could keep you going at least for up to 12 hours without you feeling hungry, and that way you wont have to think of eating any junk or heavy food that wont break down easily.
9. EXERCISE: Make it your goal to exercise for at least one hour a day.

10. GET MORE SLEEP: It is advised to go to bed on time, precisely by 10.00pm Above all DONT STARVE: You cant loose weight by avoiding meals.

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