Wednesday, 9 December 2015

09 Dec 2015


Let us jump right into this and address the pink elephant in the room. If women lift weight they will become bulky, masculine and lose their feminine figure. There it is folks. Now that we got the BS stereotype out there, let’s get to the facts with women and weight training.
Women and weight training is not something to be approached with fear, instead you should do your research so you can reap the benefits of building a stronger body, reducing body fat and living a bulky masculine figure as commonly believed. Below I have five reasons as to why women should incorporate some level of resistance or weight training and the benefits that come along with them.

#5 – Lean Muscle = Curves
Contrary to popular belief, women + muscle does not equal bulky muscle. It’s more common for women to tighten their figure as they increase lean muscle. The human body has two tissue types that determine our bodies’ appearance. Lean muscle and body fat. Body fat is soft, loose, does not take particular shape and is hard to manage. Lean muscle is what gives the body shape, curves, lift, tone and fit look. The preferred choice should be obvious.
#4 – Muscle Burns Calories
Throughout our daily lives, we unknowingly expend calories. Everyday things such as sitting, standing, blinking, taking the garbage out, etc., all requires a caloric expenditure. The human body requires calories to live and function. Lean muscle has a higher caloric demand than body fat. Having more lean muscle than body fat translates to more daily muscle contractions throughout the day, which means higher calorie outputs.
#3 – Boost Daily Energy
Weight training requires a lot of energy expenditure and will ultimately fatigue the body. On a good not, this should make for a good night of sleep and recovery. Over time, the body will adapt and will have longer sustained daily energy. After training, the body continues to expend calories at an elevated rate. It all boils down to putting down the energy drinks, coffee, soda drinks and increasing your weight training.
#2 – Reduce Stress
Weight training is a physical act of exertion that releases the bodies’ endorphins. These hormones, which are secreted in the nervous system and brain, are what make us happy. After a tough day at work, school, home, etc., taking your stress out constructively is encouraged. Those who regularly exercise in general tend to manage their stress better than those who do not. Next time you are feeling frustrated, angry or stressed, find some weights and hit them hard.
#1 – Efficient for Fat Loss
When it comes to reducing body fat fast, common belief suggest we should ramp up the cardiovascular training. The more efficient and effective approach is to apply resistance training. As mentioned above, lean muscle expends higher calories and the body expends calories long after the training ends. Consider training large or multiple muscle groups within one workout. The more muscles engaged, the higher the caloric expenditure. Cardiovascular has its place in any training program but resistance training is hands down the more efficient approach for fat loss.

This program is designed for those on the beginning level of fitness to those on the most advanced levels. Remember, you get out what you put in. with this program, you will be required to continue moving from start to end. This elevates your heart rate, forces increased oxygen intake and keeps stress on the body. Look over each exercise so that you’re familiar with the proper way to execute each exercise. This will allow for smooth transitions and minimize recovery. Also get the necessary equipment before starting the program. Dumbbells, kettle bells or resistance bands should suffice.
Stretch all muscle groups
Ciruit 1
Goblet Squats (using dumbbell)                                 1 min
Mountain Climbers/Glute Bridge                               15sec/15sec (TWO SETS)
Dumbbell Swing                                                         1 min
T-Push-Ups                                                                 30 sec
Circuit 2
Squat Jumps                                                                15 sec
Curl and Press                                                             15 sec
Side-to-Side Hops                                                      15 sec
Cross Knee Tucks                                                       15 sec
Circuit 3
Split Stance Single Arm Row                                     15 sec (Each Arm for TWO SETS)
Push-up/ Row/Glute Raise Hybrid                             1 min (Using Dumbbells)
Russian Twist                                                              1 min (May use dumbbell or kettle bell)
*After completing Circuit 3 and only after completing Circuit 3, take a 2 min or less to rest and hydrate then start over at Circuit 1. This routing is to be done for a total of THREE times. *
**After completing Circuit 3 for the final time, end with TWO MINUTES OF JOGGING IN PLACE. **
***Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. ***

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