Saturday 23 January 2016

5 Questions you should ask on a First Date

There are many bad things that can go wrong on a first date with a potential Bae. You may not like how he/she eats, roll their eyes while talking, or you guys may just be a bad fit together. Then there are the ones you will meet that would literarily steal your breath away. You will have such a good time that you probably will not even remember anything about the other person because you either got carried away with ‘surfacey’ gist or you just didn’t ask the right questions that will help you understand this person you are about to have a relationship with.
Make good use of this opportunity to know this other person, because you may never get the chance to have such a candid sit down and talk about yourselves.
1.      How often do you read, and what do you read?
Now reading hereon’s curiosity to what is going on around. It could be he/she derives joy from reading the newspapers, novels, poetry, textbooks, etc.
While this is not a fail proof system to tell the person’s intellectual or curiosity leanings, it tells you something on what is important to them. And if you guys just happen to like the same books or reading material, that’s a good conversation reeler.
2.      How did you grow up?
You can’t and should not ignore how the other person grew up. One way to know how their philosophies with respect to life works is in understanding (even if it’s just a snippet) where they are coming from.
3.      What are the five most important things to you in life?
Anyone can tell you anything to appear like the best thing since fried dodo. But their answers will tell you if you are about to make the right decision. Not all that is important to your date will be to you, but chances are that you will both have about 3 out of 5 in common.
4.      What dictates your action? Logic or emotion
If you are someone who leans more towards logic when posed with a situation, will you do well with someone whose first response is purely instinctual? Emotional?
This is a real question you ought to take seriously, because you can only work well with someone who you are on par with.
5.      What does romance mean to you?
Well this is a sweet question that drives the conversation into the lighter path. The response can either be just a sentence, or a conversation that will leave you with valuable insight to what the other person holds dear, romantically speaking.
So, to all single guys/girls out there contemplating going out on a date soon, this little guide will help you decide right.


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