1. Negative self-talk: Stop being mean to
yourself. Just stop. You are enough! You ARE strong! You're capable. Start giving yourself more compliments,
and make this year about no negative self-talk — ever.
The more you berate and degrade yourself, the harder your year will be; you'll
also have a much harder time reaching your healthy goals.
3. Workouts you hate: Not everyone likes
running, and that's OK. Forcing yourself into a workout that you hate
definitely won't encourage you to keep working out. There are alternatives to running —
and so many other kinds of cardio exercises.
If you hate bootcamp classes, try barre. Hate barre?
Stop doing it! Try yoga. If something's not working, try a new studio or new
instructor. Keep going until you find something that clicks, but absolutely do
not keep going to a class or attempting a workout you don't like.
5. Kale (or that one food
you just can't stand): A lot of you hate kale. So stop forcing it! You don't need kale to be healthy!
Maybe it's not kale, but it's another healthy food you've been forcing yourself
to eat under the pretense that it's healthy and you "need it" to be
healthy yourself. This just isn't true, and if your diet consists of things you
don't love, you're not going to stay on that diet for very long. For a more
sustainable diet, experiment more with other healthy foods to find out what you dolove.
You'll be eating healthier all the time!
6. Perfectionism: Striving for a goal
is great; striving for perfection is unhealthy. Giving yourself unrealistic or
unattainable goals is detrimental to your mental and your
physical health. That desire for perfectionism can often be a defense
mechanism, when you're either consciously or subconsciously protecting yourself
from the judgment of others. Focus that energy on progress, not perfection,
and you'll have a much better year.
7. Calorie counting: This year, stop
obsessing over calories — especially if it has created a negative relationship
with food. Food is fuel, and we need calories to have strong muscles, bones,
and a functioning body! There are so many ways to track your food and eat healthy without calorie
counting. If you need the data and numbers to stay in control of
your healthy eating, try looking into counting macros — you'll have a healthy
balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates each day.
8. Stress: Whether you have
clinical anxiety or you've been stressing way too much in 2016, your
compromised mental health can have a seriously negative impact on your health.
Stress can cause weight gain, bloating, physical pain,
skin problems, and more. Quite a setback for your healthiest year yet, right?
To relax and cut out stress in 2017, get yourself a great therapist, or try a self-care practice like diffusing essential oils.
9. Everything that is
holding you back: What is keeping you from being your best self and living
your best life? Is it an unhealthy relationship, a terrible job that drains you
of your energy, or a deep-seated fear? Let. It. Go. Cut the people out who
don't support you. Say goodbye to work that doesn't make you feel good — or
worse, makes you feel bad. Remove unnecessary obligations that keep you from
reaching your physical, mental, and personal goals. This is YOUR time! Replace
these things with activities that help you reach your goals, a job that fosters
your creativity and empowers you, and relationships with people who build you
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