Thursday 5 January 2017

Healthy tips for 2017

 Health is the total and complete wellbeing and ability to be able to resist diseases. To be healthy requires working smart and doing the right thing at the right time. In this new year it is required that you do the followings in other for you to be healthy and these are:
1.   Food: eat a healthy and balanced diet this year 2017 in other to be free of sicknesses and diseases. Take more of vegetables and fresh fruits this year so that both your internal organs and body can be intact and function well. It is also advice able that you learn to fast at least ones in 2 weeks so that your internal organs can rest from digesting and converting food substances. Also drink more water so that your internal system can be purified from every compounds that are harmful to your body. You should also make sure to drink a liter of water immediately you wake up from sleep in the morning before eating breakfast.
2.  Rest well: there is always time to work and time to rest. Even if you are not going to sleep make sure you lie down for at least an hour on the bed in other to be able to recover from lost energies during the day. If you don’t rest the body, it will get to a stage that it will break down and you will have to be placed on a bed rest. Resting does not necessarily mean you are lazy but the excess of if gives room for laziness to manifest.
3. Exercise: engage yourself in one physical activity or the other every day. It is more advice able to stand than to sit, it is also advice able to walk around than to stay in one place. Physical activities does not only mean participating in outdoor activities alone like running, jogging, climbing the stairs etc., there are still some indoor activies that you can do like playing table tennis, scrabbles, monopoly, chess, swimming, dash, etc. If you participate in one physical activity or the order it makes you healthy and means you will stay fit longer than others. Make it an habit today and don’t let anything discourage you.
4.  Medical checkup: have a regular and constant medical check up this year. You should see your doctor at least every 3 months for total and complete check up so that he can also give you advice on things that you need to do more and stop doing in other for you to me able to achieve wellness.

5.  Socialize: go out with friends and make new friends this year that shares the same believes with you and can help you grow. You should always learn to take a break from work this year to spend quality time with your family, friends and business partners.


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