Thursday, 28 March 2024


In episode one (1), I mentioned that grey hair does not always mean a sign of wisdom but also connotes stress. Events can make an individual have grey hair. I also said that some elders are no longer relevant as they specialize in creating chaotic scenes and making suggestions/decisions that are out of date and do not make things better. For those of you that missed it, kindly click on this link below 👇.

Love is a beautiful thing and you don't force people to love you. Live a life of impact and watch how people will naturally follow your footsteps in life and surround you. Those who pull the crowd are people who have impressed people the right way. Some elders fail to read the handwriting on the wall, which means, that they should change their lifestyle. Before listening to any elder be sure that the elder is someone that people have been frank with about his behavior, as behavior is a smoke that cannot be hidden.

Do not jump on listening and following every elder but be wise enough to know where they started from, how they got to where they are now, where they will end up, and where they are heading. Do not be too eager to follow and do not be desperate enough to dance to the tune of every elder as it can be disastrous. 

Some elders already lost their way and have refused to acknowledge the fact that they have. Listening and accepting every point and idea they make to you to follow those steps will only make the same pattern happen in your life.

I will conclude by sharing a story from the Holy Bible. There is an older prophet who already missed his way and lost his eldership such that he was instrumental in the pulling down of a young prophet who was still young in the pursuit of his goals. The young prophet didn't want to sound rude or look as if he did not respect elders but instead said yes to him. In life no matter the person talking or advising you, it is not everything that you say yes to. Do not be a yes sir or yes ma person to every instruction given to you, as it is a very dangerous thing since it is not always that they are correct with their decision. The elders have a saying that when you know that it doesn't make any logical sense, be ready to screen every one of their advice and instructions as some are desperately searching for errand boys and girls that will also end up the way they are which can be good or bad.

To be continued in the next episode. Stay tuned.

Share in the comment section what you are learning so far from this series and also share your experience. 

Thank you.

I remain 👇

𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗢𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘂𝘆𝗶

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