Friday 12 April 2024


Players often forget that the secret personal training that they do often pays off in the open. To be successful requires hard work. To be successful in sports requires burning not just candles but going all out. Greatness will not just jump on you because you play for the best club or have the best coach.

Over time one thing is sure it is always difficult to have enough time for general training as fatigue and stress are attributes that the coach and fitness instructor always try to avoid so that the players can rest and also recover time. But some players feel that is enough for them to be great forgetting that personal training is required for them to gain perfection.

If breaking into the starting lineup or first team as the case is your dream and remain there then personal training is required to do something extra which is beyond the ordinary. Your training is important and who and how you train with is also important putting in mind the goal and target.

Preparation in the secret is the eradication of mistakes and embarrassment on the big stage. Do not be satisfied with what you are been offered. Also, desire more in your secret place through training constantly and consistently. When you go the extra mile you will be able to keep performing at the top of your game week in and week out.

For you to be able to showcase yourself to the world and the coach, it requires just a game and even if you are given that game you must have been preparing for it and show your hunger for it so that it will not be misused.

Opportunity not given or utilized is the beginning of stagnancy and retarded growth which leads to an abrupt end of your career as a player.

Thank you.

I remain 👇

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