Friday 12 April 2024


Life itself can be stressful and in life you adapt to different situations that life throws at you. A player or athlete who is committed and dedicated to the cause of a team but still has not been appreciated should keep up with the good work. An athlete who is lazy whether in training or games will have a choice to improve his or her game if playing time would be a portion.

Life is a school and every day of one's life you must be ready and willing to unlearn, relearn, and learn. As an athlete playing for a professional club and intending to go far in sports must be humble enough to learn from the coaches and also update your knowledge bank regularly. Sports are easy to learn and practice just that you have to have a teachable spirit and an attitude that is willing to learn from others.

As an athlete going all out for money is very very wrong as it is important to put your passion for the game first. Money is good and it is a motivating factor but if all your mind and attention are on money then you will be deceived at times if not careful. The sole right of a player or athlete is not just given to clubs alone but also to individual athletes to decide on their future but at times an athlete allows the pressure from the club to suffocate him or her. 

Clubs and athletes benefit from each other a lot so it is important to carefully examine the choices placed in front of you before making them. There is a story of a player who was involved in a big scandal while representing his nation and there was no backing in terms of protection from his country's sports governing body. He was expecting that he would be protected by them but the opposite was the case. 

Despite his national sports governing body refusing to protect him from those fanatics, his club stepped in and gave him the necessary protection and insurance that he needed. From that day he made a choice never to play for his nation again since they could not stand him.

Your future or progress in the sporting world and field lies in your hands and it is important to make a wise decision about it. Agents should not make you make choices that are out of your plans or that will not benefit and favor you. So many great athletes ended their careers at an early stage even before they started because their agents decided to milk money from clubs and also threatened clubs that refused to meet the demands of the agents. 

Your growth in sports will only be possible if you also contribute not only to giving your best in training and on the pitch alone but also in the negotiation of whether a new contract or transfer and most importantly controlling your agents from saying things that are not untrue about you or making false statements.

A great athlete is a great decision-maker who has a structure and plan in plans on how his career should go. Despite having a plan also knows that God is the one with the final say about his plan so seeks him regularly. When you are making your choice bold and courageous with it without any form of doubt. You always have a choice as an athlete so use the power to your advantage and career growth.

Thank you.

I remain 👇

𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗢𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘂𝘆𝗶

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