Thursday 13 June 2024


The mental strength of an athlete and a team will determine how far the team will go in terms of performing beyond expectations and overcoming every and any form of defeat that might arise.

I was told of a professional club that always struggles to bounce back from a defeat. Anytime they experience just a single defeat in their next few games they will struggle to win those games which means that they are used to winning but not used to bouncing back immediately after a defeat which is not good.

In the game of sports you win some, draw some, and lose some so you should not always expect that you will always win which the team in question fails to realize. Events and situations like the football club in quote happen very often to teams that do not have a sports psychologist or a performance coach among their backroom staff.

I work with a professional club known as Watchtower FA and in the ongoing Elite League Season we experienced our first defeat after playing about 10 games unbeaten out of 20 league games and the defeat was heavy I mean a 4 goals to 1 lose. While the game was ongoing I noticed some things that influenced the defeat and the major thing out of every other was grievance and hurt among players of my team that happened in previous training or maybe off-field that wasn't adequately dealt with. After the game during the post-match briefing, I had to trash it out.

In our next Elite League game we bounced back winning the game and even as the league is coming to a close we are still undefeated after that first and only heavy defeat we experienced. We are still topping the table with 6 points and 2 games to the end of the season. One of the games which is our next will be at home while the last will be away.

Defeat is part of life and inevitable so it is important and necessary to always make adequate plans for both winning and losing. The most important thing is rising immediately after a defeat and not staying down. If you want to improve your performance daily then get a performance coach whether you are a sportsman or woman and I am just a call away. Every athlete and sports team needs a sports psychologist and performance coach in their team, so what are you waiting for?

I remain your Speaking Psychologist.

Thank you.

I remain 👇

𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗢𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘂𝘆𝗶

#SportsPsychologist, #SportsSociologist, #WellnessManagementCoach, #StressCoach, #PerformanceCoach, #FitnessTherapist, #ExerciseInstructor, #MentalHealthCoach

I am open to accepting speaking engagements both virtual and physical.

Picture 📸: Watchtower FA coaches and a few players before the start of the game ona match day


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