Tuesday, 22 December 2015

22 Dec 2015


Agbo is a popular herbal medication especially common in Western Nigeria. Herbal medicine is the oldest medicine in the world. The first example of the use of herbs dates back to the very dawn of mankind. Drugs like atropine, codeine, digoxin, morphine, contain herbs.
Some herbal cocktail mixtures include:
·         Pawpaw leaf, citrus fruit, cocoa bark and ginger-leaf for CVS diseases
·         Onion bulb, cocoa bark, potato bark and tobacco leaf for genitor-urinary system diseases
·         Onion bulb, cashew leaf, cajanus caka leaf, pawpaw leaf, cocoa bark and potato leaf for GIT diseases.
·         Caesalpina leaf is used for central nervous system conditions.
·         For diabetes, root bark of Garcinia kola, leaf of Melanthera scandisk and Terminalia catapa are used.
·         Herbs are also of health benefit because they contain unique antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, phytosterols and many other substances which fight against toxins and boost the immune system.
Some adverse effects of herbs include: vomiting, general weakness, diarrhea, polyuria and hepatotoxicity.
The upsurge of herbal medicine in Africa has bright prospects, hence herbal medicine has come to stay.

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