Monday, 21 December 2015

21 Dec 2015

Stay Healthy, Live Healthy

One of the most important things in life is to be healthy, follow these steps to create a well balanced life:
1.      Get Physical
Opting for regular physical activity that gets you mildly out of breath and a little sweaty-jogging, swimming, dancing, cycling-will do you a whole world of good.
2.      Limit Your Vices
Quit smoking, beat drug addiction and stop that drinking!
3.      Run From Junks, Eat Healthy
Junk food sessions result in consumption of not just more calories, but unnecessary ones. Obesity with it attendant risk is always the product of such.
4.      Strengthen Your Relationships
Prioritize developing meaningful relationships above simply being social. Surround yourself with people that enrich your life and make you happy.
5.      One Is The Magic Number

One of the largest studies into diet and cancer-the Europe wide European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer And Nutrition (EPIC) study-found that eating just extra portion of fruits and vegetables a day could cut your risk of dying early from any cause by 20 percent.

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