Monday, 22 February 2016

22 Feb 2016

The 7 Most Antioxidant-Rich Foods



"All beans are healthy, but brightly colored beans pack the biggest [health] benefit," says Ruggiero. "Research shows the antioxidants in beans may protect you from heart disease and cancer."



"Blueberries are rich in a natural plant chemical called anthocyanin, which gives these berries their namesake color. Blueberries may help protect our vision, lower blood-sugar levels, and keep our mind sharp, improving memory and cognition."


Like blueberries, "these sweet-tart berries get their color from anthocyanins, which also play a role in lowering inflammation and strengthening immune support. There's research that shows cranberries may help fight certain types of cancer and heart disease."


"This fiber- and antioxidant-rich veggie is simple to prepare and offers lots of benefits, including the ability to fight heart disease and tackle high cholesterol levels."


"In scientific studies, these glossy little berries have been shown to protect the brain, potentially lowering the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Blackberries may also help fight colon cancer."


"Prunes, also known as dried plums, are powerful sources of antioxidants."


"Raspberries are tiny but mighty, having the potential to fight heart disease and certain types of cancers and boost immunity."

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