Honey, breakfast cereals and natural fruit
juices are equally disastrous like chocolates and candies.
Are you vigilant about your child’s diet and don’t allow
her to eat anything junk? Then sure chocolates and candies are off limits to
her. You know the dangers excess sugar can do to your child — make her prone to
obesity, diabetes and a host of other diseases that can be life-threatening.
But do you know even with all that limitations your child is consuming an
overdose of sugar, albeit unknowingly? Hereconsultant dietician Niti Desai,
Cumbala Hills Hospital, Mumbai tells you about the other food sources
which are like sugar bombs for your child. Here are 11 ways to help your child eat
Here goes the list
1. Aerated drinks: The favourite beverage
of children — colas and artificial health drinks are loaded with sugar and have
zero nutrient content. Even if you opt for the diet colas, remember still you
are giving your child a high sugar drink. One can of cola has approximately six
spoons of sugar, which is equivalent to 30 gm of sugar. Just visualise
this next time you hand her a can of diet coke. Here are 12 foods that can boost immunity in
your kid.
2. Packaged fruit juices and sorbets: All that rose syrup,
maple syrup and packaged squashes that you give your child, especially during
summers, will only raise her sugar level. These are high concentrated sugar
solutions that do more harm to your child without even quenching her thirst.
3. Natural fruit juices: It is not to say that
natural fruit juices are as dangerous as the packaged fruit juices and aerated
drinks, but if you are in favour of giving your child natural fruit juice over
whole fruit, remember, it is high in natural sugar and you are going to miss
out on the goodness of fibre.
4. Biscuits and other savouries: There is nothing
healthy in this category, no matter how much you read the label to justify your
choice. Remember, most of these foods are made up of refined flour and carbohydrates,
which are going to get converted into sugar after digestion. Read to know biscuit, bread, noodles – which is
the most unhealthy food for your child.
5. Packaged foods: Noodles and other
ready-to-eat foods are equally harmful as it gives a sugar rush. You ask why?
Refined flour and carbohydrates are the culprits. Moreover, one packet of
instant noodles might have around 440 calories; imagine that converting into
glucose and entering your little one’s blood stream.
6. Honey: Yes, it has some health
benefits and is better than sugar, but remember at the end of the day this is
also sugar and giving your child just two spoons of honey each day means increasing
her total sugar intake by 10 grams.
7. Canned fruits: You should first
question yourself about not picking up a whole fruit instead? And if you
think this is a healthier choice, remember canned fruits are dipped in sugar
solutions that act as preservatives, and rob the real fruit’s vital
8. Energy bars: As the name suggests,
they are high in sugar which might give instant energy but can be dangerous if
had regularly.
9. Breakfast cereals: They are marketed as
healthy, but the child-friendly ones are loaded with added sugar to appeal to
the taste buds of the little ones. And so it is a disastrous choice. Instead,
look for the ones which say ‘no added sugar’ on their packet, the same rule
applies for fruit juices too.
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