Monday, 18 January 2016

18 Jan 2016

Muscles & Exercises to Become a Faster Runner

To get faster, you need to be stronger. Increasing the power of your stride will having you dropping seconds off your mile time faster than improving your stride rate, according to a 2000 study in "Journal of Applied Physiology." To do this, focus on strengthening your hamstrings, quads, hip extensors and hip flexors.

Leg Muscles

When you run, your legs go through two main phases: the propulsion and the recovery phase. During the propulsion phase, your power and force comes from your quadriceps and hip extensors. During the recovery phase, your hamstrings and hip flexors prepare your legs for impact and to transition quickly into the propulsion phase. Strengthening these muscles can make you a faster runner.


Your hamstrings are a group of muscles running along the back of your thighs. When selecting strengthening moves, choose ones that engage all the muscles in your lower backside, instead of just isolating the hamstring muscle. This more closely mimics what happens when you run and will train all these muscles to work together better. Examples of hamstring exercises include stability ball leg curls, floor hamstring curls and glute-ham raises. To do the stability ball curl, lie face up on the floor. Rest the heels of your feet on the top of a stability ball. Engage your core as you raise your hips toward the ceiling and create a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Keeping your hips elevated, curl the ball toward your butt. Slowly let the ball roll back to the starting position and repeat.


Your quadriceps lie on the front of your leg and assist with straightening your hip and bending your knee. It has four heads starting from different points on your pelvis and femur. An example of an exercise that strengthens all these heads is the three-step quadriceps exercise. Begin by lying on your back with an ankle weight on your right leg. Extend that leg and lock your knee, but keep your ankle relaxed. Engage your abs and lift your right leg straight up toward your head as far as you can. You want to get your leg perpendicular to your body. Return to the starting position and repeat. For the next step, turn your right leg so your toes point away from you and repeat. For the final step, turn your right leg so your toes point toward you and repeat. Perform all three-steps on your left leg.

Hip Extensors

Five muscles that assist with hip extension are your gluteus maximus, semitendiunosus (part of your hamstrings), semimembranosus (part of your hamstrings), biceps femoris (part of your hamstrings) and adductor magnus. Together, these muscles straighten your hip joint by moving your thighs or pelvis backward. To strengthen them, try lying hip extensions, standing hip extensions or kneeling hip extensions.

Hip Flexors

When you bend your hip, which causes your thigh or pelvis to move toward your ribs, you are flexing your hip. Over half a dozen muscles—iliopsoas, tensor fasciae latae, rectus femoris (part of your quadriceps), sartorius, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus—engage to perform this move. Try various leg raises, such as the lying, incline, hanging or seated leg raise, to strengthen these muscles. To perform the lying leg raise, lay face up on the floor with your legs extended behind you. Place your hands under your buttock to support your pelvis. Keep your legs straight and engage your abs as you raise your legs straight up until your hips reach a 90-degree angle. Return to the starting position and repeat.

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